Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language

13 years ago

Concentrating on vocabulary learning to the exclusion of all else is a common mistake that many language learners make. That…

Mistakes to Avoid to Successfully Learn a Foreign Language

13 years ago

I wrote a free Ebook some years back which detailed 7 mistakes you need to to avoid to successfully learn…

Are Language Exercises a Good Language Learning Strategy?

13 years ago

There is almost a universal belief amongst language learners which goes something like " if I do language learning exercises…

Good Conversation Skills ARE Important for Language Learning

13 years ago

Why Improve Conversation Skills? You may be wondering why this topicĀ is important for someone who wishes to learn a second…

How Not to Learn Pronunciation!

13 years ago

Here is a hilarious video clip from Pink Panther of Steve Martin attempting to learn how to pronounce English. Though…

How To Improve Pronunciation

13 years ago

Discovering how to improve pronunciation is an essential task for any serious language learner. It is easy to get discouraged…