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  • Speak English Like A Local Formula

Speak English Like A Local Formula





45 Lessons

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Welcome to this program, a program designed for you to take control of your speaking in a way that will enable you to go as far as you desire. There is nothing quite like this anywhere, especially for those at the advanced levels of English.

I will walk by your side till you can do what it takes for you to achieve the levels you aspire to.
You will find everything you need here. You will receive individualised support right along to ensure that your do not get stuck on your journey.

Speak English Like A Local Formula

Module 1 Start Here

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Some basic and essential information to help your start be smooth and easy.

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The details to help you get started with the Live Training Q & A Sessions.

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What you will need to do to register for the private Facebook Group.

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Find out about the recommended resources.

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Module 2: Laying a Foundation

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Here we will look at some of the basic things you need to do (and what you need to stop doing) in your life if you are to maximise your progress. Again, make sure you pay close attention to what you find here.

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By gaining a better understanding of who we are and how we work best, we can make our learning smoother and easier.This area is too often ignored, more than possibly creating obstacles where there don't need to be any.

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Without learning to develop beliefs and mindsets that support your learning, you are going to be pulling around a large heavy metal ball tied to your legs! That will surely slow you down and eventually may discourage you from doing any more work. So make sure you get rid of these weights!!

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Listening is an integral and essential skill that you need to develop and learn to use to drive your learning. This skill is talked about by many BUT there are very few who really understand how this skill can be developed. Here you will get a look at what you need to "start" doing in order for your listening to develop. Right throughout this course, we will be concentrating on this skill, so this lesson is one you may need to return to later on.

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Here we will start to examine what will support your learning and the ways which will undermine your progress. Distinguishing ways of learning that empower you rather than disempower you will provide you with a touchstone that you can keep using.

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Momentum is a basic law of physics that needs to be understood and not ignored if you are to develop the kind of momentum that will see you keep improving.

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Coaching is a very different to teaching...and so is the experience of someone being taught to someone being coached. Listen and learn how to get the most out of your experiences being coached.

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Module 3: The Science and Art of Skill Development

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Here you will be given a key distinction to help you better understand what to learn and when to learn it.

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This lesson will help take your practice to new levels, giving you better results for the time you put in. Too many people believe that practice by itself will get you to the "promised land". The reality is that practice can range from achieving nothing, to being of some help, to being of real help that can guarantee your progress.

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You need to get this distinction real clear, before moving ahead. Progress past this lesson without being crystal clear will hamper your progress.As always, ask if you have any doubts!

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This is the kind of practice that is guaranteed to help you progress. Either to the point where you clearly know you need help, or to the point where you know you can move to the next issue. BOTH outcomes are desirable!

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This lesson is all about making your learning zing! About finding your mo jo (if you have lost it) and maintaining it!

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Module 4: 5 Steps to Mastery in Pronunciation

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Make sure you listen to this brief lesson to ensure you get maximum value from the rest of this module.

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Before we jump in, I just wanted to spend a little time on some basics for those of you who have had little formal English training.There should be not much new for those who have had that, but it really depends upon how good was this training! :-)

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Here you will learn a way to improve or fix the way you speak by focussing on vowels. This is a critical lesson as a lot of what comes later builds on what is dealt with in this lesson.

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This is where you build on the work you did last lesson...by adding a simple element, the consonants!Doing this lesson carefully so the quality of the sound you settle on then does not degrade is essential IF your progress is to continue.

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We keep building in this lesson. make sure you don't skip any lessons as we are laying a foundation here on which everything else will sit.

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Here the difficulty level ramps up a bit. A lot for those of you who are challenged by some consonants. The blends will test you further. :-)

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Here is where all your hard work in the previous lessons will come to fruition. This lesson is pivotal to the whole course as it lays out in a very practical way what has to be done to improve a skill so it comes into your daily speech. This process will need to be time and time again, till it is second nature to you.Once you can do this, there will be no limit to the level you can reach.Enjoy!!

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Module 5: Master Conversation if you want to Master English

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Find out why wide-ranging and sustained conversations are something you can't do without IF you wish express yourselves as well in it as your first language.

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This is another lesson for you IF you have difficulties in talking with people ( in English).Even if you are fine in your first language but struggle in English, I would suggest having a look at this lesson. It will give you some guidance to help you out.

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This lesson looks at the role of personality. It may or may not be a factor for you. Just listen in and decide for yourself.

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Module 6: Word Stress & Reduced Stress

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This lesson will teach you a physical technique that needs to be mastered, so you can approach sounding like a real local!

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The nature of stress and reduced stress lies at the very heart of speaking in English.

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This lesson starts to go deeper into the uniqueness of English pronunciation.The stressing and "unstressing" of vowels are key aspects of English. Here you will get a look into the different kinds of unstressed vowels and how you can produce them.

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This lesson looks at a feature of English that helps us to understand how we smooth out words and why we stress. This lesson may well need to be relooked at once we get into the rhythm/music part of the course as it can help to make sense of one thing we do to help create rhythms

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Module 7: Grammar and Structural Repair

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Here we will review the system you used to work on your pronunciation and apply it to the structural and grammar issues you have. A must view as it sets up the rest of the module.

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Identifying the exact issues you have is a MUST if there is to be progress. Without clear a clear realisation progress is not possible.

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This lesson will look at how we can best implement what we learn so that we can use it in our everyday speech, consistently. This is the base strategy that will need to be applied as many times as needed.

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This lesson explores one key quality you need to develop if you wish to sound more professional. This factor can separate you from others as so many people lack this.

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Module 8: Building Your Vocabulary

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Get started here so you can approach using what you know in a powerful way.

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Here is where you will find out what you can do so you can learn vocabulary in ways you won't forget AND be assured you can reliably use what you learn.

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This lesson is all about extending your vocabulary in a sustainable way , in a way that you can keep using as you go about your life and in a way that will result is you being actually being able to use what you learn.

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Module 9: The Rhythm of English

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This lesson puts you on the road to better understanding rhythm and provides some basic exercises to sensitise you to it.

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Use what you learned in the last lesson and start applying it to normal speech. By now you should have a good feeling for how skills are developed....and all we do here is go the next step. ENJOY!

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Module 10. The Tones in English

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This lesson starts to explore the "musical" elements of spoken English.

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Here we will go into deeper what it takes to recognise and adjust your tones. The integration step by now should be relatively straightforward! :-)

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This lesson is all about what to do once you have fixed the identifiable issues and want to start work on the more subtle accent issues.

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Module 11: Using Written English to extend what you can do

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In this lesson we will explore how you can use reading to advance your speaking and other language skills.

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In this lesson we will be exploring another way you can use the written word to power your speaking.

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About the teacher

Andrew Weiler

Andrew has worked for over 40 years developing an approach to learning that provides the opportunity for each person to develop ways of learning that can lead them to the English goals they aspire to.
His unique way of working with people encourage them to rely more on their own resources and capacities...as that is the only way anyone can develop to the highest of levels.

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