online Class

Are your pronunciation issues holding you back?

Discover how to fix them in 3 steps.

February 24th

7:00 - 9:00 pm

What you’ll learn in this workshop:


Any reliable way of learning must embrace and master the 3 key stages to picking up a skill and learning it so you can end up using it in real life.

This 3 stage process applies to every skill in all the various aspects of speaking (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc). The 3 stages are:

  1. Identify what is lacking or needs improvement. This may be something
    - entirely new to you OR
    - you actually do know it BUT you don’t do/use in your speaking
  2. Transform - undertake the necessary repair or improvement so your skill actually changes/improves)
  3. Integrate what you have fixed/improved so your new form is used in normal speech

Without going through ALL THREE steps successfully, your efforts can be completely wasted.


I will  take each participant through at least 2 of these cycles. This way each person can experience the process AND learn from the other participants' experiences.


This is not a lesson of ideas! This is very much a practical session, so please be prepared to participate. I will be working intensively with each participant so each person gets to experience what is required to go through these steps consciously.

Please not that seats are limited as I want to make sure that each participant can get my full attention. So if you think this is something you would like to do, don't hesitate to register now.

ALSO...if something prevents you coming please let me know, so I can give you place to someone else.
Thank you for your help in this.

See you there! :-)

About Andrew Weiler

Over his 40+ years of work in this field, teaching at Universities, colleges and schools, he has been singularly focussed on finding out why so many people struggle learning English and implementing practices that can help learners achieve their speaking goals without avoid undue struggle and frustration.
