Power Up Your Speaking

Are you struggling to Contribute Effectively at Meetings and in Professional Conversations

Wednesdays, 2023 at 8:00 pm                             Weekly sessions

(Break from December 21 to January 3)

These sessions are offered in a number of different formats and for varying time periods. 
You chose what is best suited for you below.
(If this is your first session, go to this page to claim your first FREE session.)



Learn to stop feeling constrained at meetings & in professional settings

  • Participate in topical discussions
  • Get pointers about improving your conversational/meeting input
  • Learn superior conversational strategies
  • Get some feedback on your performance



Understand what you need to do be more relaxed and confident

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • Video feedback on your performance and pointers emailed to you after event
  • This will include feedback on conversational aspects AND any other aspects of your English that do need attention
  • Access to exclusive online course supporting your learning



Putting in place ALL you need to do to be more relaxed and effective

  • ALL of Gold Level PLUS
  • 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching on feedback and pointers provided in video
  • Including fixing identified issues
  • AND providing you with a methodology to ensure the fix is actually used
  • Access to exclusive membership to private FB group and to online course



Learn to stop feeling constrained at meetings & in professional settings

  • Participate in topical discussions
  • Get pointers about improving your conversational/meeting input
  • Learn superior conversational strategies
  • Get some feedback on your performance



Understand what you need to do be more relaxed and confident

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • Video feedback on your performance and pointers emailed to you after event
  • This will include feedback on conversational aspects & any other aspects of your English that do need attention
  • Access to exclusive online course supporting your learning



Putting in place ALL you need to do to be more relaxed and effective

  • ALL of Gold Level PLUS
  • 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching on feedback and pointers provided
  • Including fixing identified issues
  • AND providing you with a methodology to ensure the fix is actually used
  • Access to exclusive membership to private FB group and to online course



Learn to stop feeling constrained at meetings & in professional settings

  • Participate in topical discussions
  • Get pointers about improving your conversational/meeting input
  • Learn superior conversational strategies
  • Get some feedback on your performance



Understand what you need to do be more relaxed and confident

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • Video feedback on your performance and pointers emailed to you after event
  • This will include feedback on conversational aspects AND any other aspects of your English that do need attention
  • Access to exclusive online course supporting your learning



Putting in place ALL you need to do to be more relaxed and effective

  • ALL of Gold Level PLUS
  • 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching on feedback and pointers provided
  • Including fixing identified issues
  • AND providing you with a methodology to ensure the fix is actually used
  • Access to exclusive membership to private FB group and to online course

Stop feeling powerless, embarrassing yourself or feeling like you are 2nd rate

Many migrants who successfully find a position in their chosen career, whether it be accounting, engineering, medicine, project management, etc do so because their technical and spoken skills have been assessed as good enough to land such a job. Well done!

However many find that just because your grammar, pronunciation and expressions are good enough does not mean you can function as well as you would like in a professional setting.  Having the ability to talk effectively in meetings, to your colleagues, managers and clients requires understanding and skills sets that can be challenging.

Not having the necessary understandings and skills can and does result in a lack of confidence, feelings of inadequacy and even general despondency.

These feelings can develop because you may not know

- how to respond in appropriate ways
- what words and expressions can be used in delicate or difficult situations
- what is acceptable in Australia or in the workplace

Gaining the necessary understandings and skills can happen but, as with any skill, unless you work at it in a determined way its development is not assured.

This is not what you want if you are looking forward to a long career hoping for advancement and recognition.

Power Up Your Speaking

Providing ideas, thoughts or opinions on matters that are topical in Australia will form the focus of the sessions.  Different sessions will focus on various key elements AND junction points in conversations
- such as contributing, questioning, interrupting or encouraging others to contribute and so on.

Each participant will be provided with personalised feedback in the main areas that need work.
This may occur mid session or, more regularly, by the provision of recorded video clips done after the session.

Here Are The Benefits

benefit 1

Grow your communication skills so you are better able to participate and contribute to discussions and conversations

Communication skills in professional settings require far more finesse and abilities than you would normally need. Learn what you are missing from your understandings and skill set and start to work on what needs development

benefit 2

Expand your understanding of topical issues that local talk about (in a jam packed manner)- necessary if you are to contribute to conversations

Having the ability to at least comment on issues that come up is fundamental to being able to develop meaningful relationships both at work and elsewhere.

benefit 3

As your awareness and skills develop you will find your confidence turns the corner and you will experience feeling a lot more self assured as you now understand what is needed.

What you are looking to grow into will not be a black box anymore.

About Andrew Weiler

Andrew has spent over 40 years as an educator looking into what makes a successful English language learner. He has spent the last 10 years exclusively focussing on the needs of upper level migrants working in professional settings, helping them to go beyond what they thought they could achieve.

Andrew's sense of humour has helped many of his students learn see the funny side of the situations they encounter, rather than getting stressed.

What makes these sessions different?

Performance is all about having or developing an appropriate set of skills. Knowing what enables skills to develop is what I have seen makes all the difference.
It's not about how hard you work.

Working hard in the wrong ways on the wrong things only guarantees one thing,
no progress!

 It is all about knowing what you need to do and how you need to do it so your skills
WILL develop.



Learn to stop feeling constrained at meetings & in professional settings

  • Participate in topical discussions
  • Get pointers about improving your conversational/meeting input
  • Learn superior conversational strategies
  • Get some feedback on your performance



Understand what you need to do be more relaxed and confident

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • Video feedback on your performance and pointers emailed to you after event
  • This will include feedback on conversational aspects AND any other aspects of your English that do need attention
  • Access to exclusive online course supporting your learning



Putting in place ALL you need to do to be more relaxed and effective

  • ALL of Gold Level PLUS
  • 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching on feedback and pointers provided in video
  • Including fixing identified issues
  • AND providing you with a methodology to ensure the fix is actually used
  • Access to exclusive membership to private FB group and to online course



Learn to stop feeling constrained at meetings & in professional settings

  • Participate in topical discussions
  • Get pointers about improving your conversational/meeting input
  • Learn superior conversational strategies
  • Get some feedback on your pefrormance



Understand what you need to do be more relaxed and confident

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • Video feedback on your performance and pointers emailed to you after event
  • This will include feedback on conversational aspects & any other aspects of your English that do need attention
  • Access to exclusive online course supporting your learning



Putting in place ALL you need to do to be more relaxed and effective

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching on feedback and pointers provided
  • Including fixing identified issues
  • AND providing you with a methodology to ensure the fix is actually used
  • Access to exclusive membership to private FB group and to online course



Learn to stop feeling constrained at meetings & in professional settings

  • Participate in topical discussions
  • Get pointers about improving your conversational/meeting input
  • Learn superior conversational strategies
  • Get some feedback on your performance



Understand what you need to do be more relaxed and confident

  • ALL of Entry Level PLUS
  • Video feedback on your performance and pointers emailed to you after event
  • This will include feedback on conversational aspects AND any other aspects of your English that do need attention
  • Access to exclusive online course supporting your learning



Putting in place ALL you need to do to be more relaxed and effective

  • ALL of Gold Level PLUS
  • 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching on feedback and pointers provided
  • Including fixing identified issues
  • AND providing you with a methodology to ensure the fix is actually used
  • Access to exclusive membership to private FB group and to online course