The only system in the world that will take you step by step, at the same time as providing you with a formula to get to the level of speaking that will meet and exceed your needs and aspirations.

RESULTS ARE PREDICTABLE BECAUSE: you are taken step by step through everything you need, with your hand held till you get the results you are after.

Speak English Like a Local Formula helps migrants who have English as a second language with their speaking and who have already have achieved a level that is good enough to land a position but still holds them back in their job and in career aspirations

What is it?

It is a 3 step system designed to take you from where you are now to where you wish to be with your speaking, all at the same time as holding down a full time job and more.

No more wasting your time doing exercises that lead you nowhere.

No more feeling frustrated because whatever you do does not change your performance.

Learn the steps and you will turn on the tap! You will start to see changes within a few days.

You will be surprised at how little you have to do to get the changes you are after. 


Because you will be trained to use a tried and tested formula designed for success.

But this program is not for everybody

Speak English Like a Local Formula is only for people who are willing to learn and change their approach, follow a proven system and take responsibility for their success.

Only then can Speak English Like a Local Formula training lead you to the results you are after.

The program is delivered like this:

10 weeks of Online Training
You'll get access to 10 weeks of online training that provides you with the keys to the formula, providing you with a proven model of improving your speaking without taking up that much of your time.

You will get access to a training that you cannot receive anywhere else. WHY? Because it has been designed by me to provide you with everything you need to move ahead!

Week 1   Laying a Foundation 

  • Discover how to lay the foundations of an approach that will put you on a path to perpetual improvement. Without adequate preparation, your chances of success diminish markedly.

Week 2   The Science and Art of Skill Development  

  • Learn how to approach the learning of speaking directly through skill learning, rather than learning the knowledge and then try to add it to your skills.

Week 3  5 Steps to Mastery in Pronunciation  

  • Learn how to apply the learning of skills in the area of pronunciation, particularly in the area of single sounds (phonemes). Learn how to use 5 steps to guarantee your improvement.

Week 4   Master Conversation to Master English   

  • Adequate conversation in English is essential if you are to put the lessons you are learning here to use. Learn to improve your conversational skills in English.

Week 5   Word Stress & Reduced Stress

  • Learn how to master stressing, as well as saying the reduced sound that naturally appears if you stress correctly, in English so you sound as the locals do.

Week 6   Grammar and Structural Repair

  • Learn how to identify and fix the structural elements of your language in a ways that reflect these elements as skills not knowledge.

Week 7   Building Your Vocabulary

  • Learn how to approach the learning of speaking directly through skill learning, rather than learning the knowledge and then try to add it to your skills.

Week 8   The Rhythm of English

  • Learn how to identify and use the rhythms of English so your speaking comes closer and closer to how the local sound.

Week 9  The Tones in English

  • Learn how to use the tones in English and how it is used generally in speaking and to use it to add meaning.

Week 10  Use Written English to extend your speaking

  • Learn how to use the written form of English to refine and extend your spoken English. The two forms do vary but there also is a lot that is in common.

12 Months of Live Weekly support
 A once a week live zoom training session.

This part of the program is designed to provide each participant with :
# the individualised practical guidance, feedback  and training as needed,
# the place to ask any questions,
# extensive insight as to how to work best and overcome the difficulties in a timely way
This is done through the coaching received as well as through listening to how others deal with the issues that arise for them. The problems may be different but the formula used to overcome them is not.

Private Facebook Group
This is so you never feel alone.

Outside of the Live Q & A Trainings you can have all your questions answered in a timely way.

As only committed and driven people will be accepted into this program you will become a member of a mastermind group offering support and help...only a click away.

Who is your Trainer?

It's taken over 40 year for Andrew Weiler to be with you here today. It had taken him less time than that to make enough mistakes so he could find the solutions that would lead him to be where he is now.

Andrew has worked with all kinds of adults, from eminent professors at universities, to their students, to professionals at the peak of their skills to the ones who were starting out, to the person in the street, not to mention the time he has spent training English Language teachers. He has worked in Universities, Institutes, Language Centres and privately. So if you were to say he was an expert, we would not disagree.

Of all the people who say they can help you, maybe 1 in 25 will actually be able to help you in a substantive way. The rest will be pretenders and from whom you may get a little value but they will not be able to take you all the way.

There is a myriad of English language teachers and "experts" out there but most just implement canned responses to problems. Course books, DIY online courses, mass produced exercise sheets and generic videos are examples. 

None of this can replace the thousand plus learners Andrew has helped one on one.  Even if you find one that has helped some learners with this or that, they would not have handled the problems and helped each person to overcome them as they appeared.

Andrew does not produce generic exercises, courses or videos to help learners think that by going through them, they will somehow improve.  Real learning takes much more than that, especially at the upper levels when you already know so much.

Today he only lets the most suitable people in to his programs.  Again, this sort of experience is what will protect you too and help change your life so you can be in the best position to achieve the kind of job and satisfaction you dream of.

People like Cindy Yuan, a business owner. She says "Andrew is patient and sharp and can always point out your errors and help you correct them. He normally doesn't give you right answers, instead, he pushes you to think and find the right answers by yourself.
The improvements I made are beyond my expectations. I learned some effective ways to improve my English, and more than that, Andrew's positive thinking influenced me a lot too."

Or people like Malek Serhan, a pharmacist working in Melbourne. He said "Andrew has provided me with some valuable ways to keep improving my English. I now pay more attention to weaknesses that I didn’t realise before in my spoken English, and work on fixing them.
I have believe I have improved my spoken English through improving my comprehension of sounds patterns. I have also improved my ability to link 
words in a way closer to native speakers. I feel great about these improvements as they’ve made me a lot more confident."

Or people like Stella Martini, an Italian and English teacher who said that "Andrew has really helped me with was like being able to recognize my own mistakes, my own strengths and also being able to go out in the world and use everyday life and everyday conversations as a classroom as a learning environment and so being able to learn everyday everywhere. "

These people are great at what they do. They don't make excuses. They are coachable. So if you want some of these qualities, Andrew knows how to get you to the outcome you want.

Andrew offers you complete honesty. He meets you face to face and answers every question asked of him. He never holds back. That's what you will get.

He can show you how to work less on your English but get further. Andrew is all about optimising everything you do to get the best possible results from the least effort. At the same time he knows you will want to do more if you love what you do. So be prepared to enjoy the process!

And everything that Andrew does also comes with a money-back guarantee. So rest assure, no matter what others may offer Andrew Weiler's help will get you there faster AND you will enjoy the process.

And if that doesn't happen, it won't cost you a cent!

Best of all he makes it simple and provides a step by step formula that anyone can apply!

Your Guarantee

Try everything for 30 days...the online training...the weekly live trainings and participate in the private FB group. If you don't get the kind of results you are looking for, you will get your money back. All of it! And we part as friends.

Speak Like a Local Formula 
Maxed (1 year x 2 )
# 10 week Online Training Course
# 52 weeks of Live Support
(1 - 2 hr session /week) x 2
# 52 wks Membership of Private Facebook Group x 2

Program Fees                                                                        

Speak English Like a local Formula (1 year)
# 10 week Online Training Course
# 12 weeks of Live Support
   (1 - 2 hr session /week)
# 12 weeks Membership of Private Facebook Group

$495 per month x 12


We don't know you or how well you can implement what we teach. Most people don't even get around to doing what we teach.

So any results mentioned on this website are not typical. It takes effort, persistence and patience. With any learning there is always a chance of things not working out.

Any results or claims made on this site is in no way a promise as to what you can achieve with your speaking.

Copyright © English Confidence Unlocked 2022. +61 409 331 607
