July 12

Unlock Your Language Learning


Discover how to dramatically improve your language learning ability

Have you ever wondered why it is that all of us learned our first language with seeming effortless ease, while most of struggle learning a subsequent language. We struggle so much in fact that something like 95% of those who set out to do it give up well before a level they could easily communicate in. 

Of course there are have been many reasons proposed for this, but very few if any of the reasons put forward help us to move forward. So I have set out to rectify this problem, believing after over 30 years in the language education field, that indeed we, post infancy, are capable of a lot more than we see evidence of.

Just consider if the reason why we are having these poor results are caused by how we have been learning rather than some “gene” preventing us from learning! The reason why no one believed we could ever fly, why we could not talk across continents, why we could not search for information in cyber space, and so on  was because we did not have the knowledge or understanding. Once we acquired that, everything changed – we knew how!

Language Learning Unlocked is the book that seeks to set the record straight. Whilst it does not have all the answers, it certainly does provide any language learner who wants to substantially improve how they learn, with the understandings and the practices that could make all the difference.

For adults, their beliefs are a key as without believing that something is possible we in fact undermine our ability to achieve what we might think is a good idea. So that is where the book sets out, building a case for having a belief that yes, we can achieve! Beliefs are of course not enough as without the how, they can amount to nought. So the rest of the book sets out the ways in which we need to approach our learning if we are to exploit the amazing abilities we amply demonstrated in our early years. As adults, we are of course different to how we were in those years, so there are adjustments we need to make. These adjustments are discussed and explored. But what we don’t need to do, as is done in much of language teaching and learning, is to blatantly ignore those abilities.

In an effort to help the readers make the necessary adjustments, I have created 7 unique bonuses to help with this transition. They are:

  1. Language Learning Unlocked – Audio for ALL the book – Here is Chapter 1 – Chapter 1: The Basics of Learning
  2. Guided Visualization – Instructions to create your own
  3. Think and Grow Rich ( Adapted for Language Learners) Ebook and Audio
  4. Language Learning Diary – eVersion
  5. Affirmations – for Language Learners – Audio
  6. Affirmations – for Language Learners – Instructions
  7. Language Learning Unlocked Main Action Points – Ebook

If you would like further details on these bonus resources, please go here.



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