July 23

Proof you can reach native like levels in another language


Here is the proof that some people might need to help them believe what I and others have been saying, namely that it is possible to reach native like levels in another language.

With enough practice, some learners of a second language can process their new language as well as native speakers, research at the University of Kansas shows.

Using brain imaging, the researchers were able to examine  how the brain processes a second language. They then compared these findings with their previous results for native speakers and saw both followed similar patterns.

The research was published this month in the journal Second Language Research.

The study highlights the brain's plasticity and its ability to acquire a new complex system even in adulthood.

There are many reasons why learning a new language to native like levels seems beyond the capacity of so many people, key amongst them are: - going about it in ways that will not produce results (primarily prompted by the poor practices used in most schools and language centres), Use a fork to eat soup with and the results are a given - resulting in the belief that "I do not have the ability", strengthened by widely held mistaken beliefs about the nature of talent and what is possible for people, - compounded by the development of various disempowering personal characteristics in some, such as shyness which prevents the individual from gaining the practice they need All of these reasons just tell us that what we need to do to ensure that we can learn a language to the levels to which we aspire is to: - discard practices which are not working and look for and embrace practices that do. These are the spoons! - do whatever it takes to change your beliefs so you do embrace wholeheartedly that native like language skills are possible. Reading this article is one such step towards that. - check to see if you do have personal traits that are holding you back. If you find some, understand that working on them may well be as important as working on the language So take heart and be assured that you are able to learn a new language to a native like level, if that is what you truly desire. There are MANY examples of this and you too can be one!


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